student representation

What is a school rep?

We have six paid school-level reps whose main purpose is to represent students at school level. This includes sitting on school committees, collating overarching themes from course committee meetings within schools to represent at these meetings, and being a member of the Student Leadership Committee. Find out more about the school rep role. 

School reps work alongside the Students’ Union team, our education officer, and course reps within your school. They attend relevant committees within your school, plan and deliver academic campaigns, organise events, engage with course reps in your school via Teams and at meetings, and complete relevant training.

Who are the school reps?

Joanna Fayemi: Arts and Creative Industries

Jemimah Akinola: Business and Law

Madeleine Stavrianos: Education and Communities

Rebecka Ranthe: Psychology

School reps for the schools of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, and Health, Sport and Bioscience will be elected this term. Find out more here

If you have any questions about the role of a School Rep, you can email